Title: ALDO LONDI Bitossi Ceramic MCM Box for Rosenthal-Netter, Italy, 1950s-60s - Designed by Aldo Londi, a renowned Italian ceramicist, for Bitossi an Incised Chain Link design lidded Box - Made for Rosenthal-Netter, a prominent distributor of Italian ceramics in the mid-20th century - Unseen elsewhere this Box Features a unique Fritte White clay Slab Construction with a bi-color glazed interlinking chain design, exemplifying Londi's iconic style in Natural white porcelain. - Origin: Italy, circa 1950-60s - Dimensions: Approx. 8 x 4 x 2 inches - Condition: Excellent vintage condition with a nearly invisible repair on one corner. Fritte in the clay created a rough and pocked texture that is intended and inherent to the handmade design. - A beautiful example of Mid-Century Modern (MCM) ceramic artistry Carefully custom packed and ships fully insured within one business day upon receipt of payment. ** Please know SIGNATURE required on Delivery. Ship to a location where this item can be signed for upon receipt.